
Introduction: A two page essay was written on Integrating technology in the classroom is imperative of a 21st Century education. This includes a introduction, body, conclusion, references (APA FORMAT). Read essay below:

Integrating technology in the classroom is imperative of a 21st Century education.

Today's society continues to educate themselves beyond the classroom walls and our students must be prepared to self-teach in order to be competitive in the 21st century job force (Molnar, 1997). Our society is increasingly dependent on technology and our schools need to prepare students who are competent in technology. One way to ensure the success of learners is to effectively integrate technology into the curriculum. In order to do so, technology integration needs to be clearly understood. Technology integration is more than merely utilizing a computer as a typewriter, calculator, or film projector. Technology integration begins with proper planning by the teacher so that the use of technology is meaningful and relevant according to Techno Kids Inc. (2019). It is with this is mind I therefore seek to explain how integrating technology in the classroom is imperative of a 21st Century education.
Integrating technology into the classroom begins with the teacher preparing lessons that use technology in meaningful and relevant ways, using technology to support curriculum rather than dominate it. Technology should assist the teacher in creating a collaborative learning environment and help the teacher transition from the role of facilitator to that of a learner. A major goal is to allow students to use technology, experiment with real world problems and manipulate them to see what different scenarios will do to the problem. Teachers are most likely to embrace technology integration if they can see the connection between their work and the tools. Technology integration should support the curriculum, and not dominate it. Technology should assist learners to solve their problems and create collaborative learning environments.

Moreover, some advantages of teacher’s integrated technology in the classroom are as follows: A) Enhancing learning resources--This happens when instructors specify sites for students to review as well as when students encounter and research sites themselves. B) Expanding modes of communication--Technology provides a means for students to interact with each other more readily outside the classroom through emails, blogs and websites. These expanded modes of communication that are a two-edged sword for instructors, often requiring more instructor time for the expanded possibilities for student-teacher communications. C) Amplifying discussion opportunities--the limited meeting times of the traditional class impact the amount of time students have to reflect, discuss, and augment course content also provide an opportunity to extend class discussion time and make it available to students and instructors on an anytime or anywhere basis.. D) Capturing student participation and production--a logistical benefit to instructors is the ability to capture student participation and production through their postings to newsgroups and online discussions. Students or instructors can compile course portfolios to illustrate student progress and participation.
Additionally, integrating technology into classroom instruction means more than teaching basic computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. Technology helps change the student or teacher roles and relationships, which students take responsibility for their learning outcomes, while teachers become guides and facilitators. Technology can also lends itself as the multidimensional tool that assists process for economically disadvantaged students, the school may be the only place where they will have the opportunity to use a computer and integrate technology into their learning. 

In conclusion as educators seek out new ways to engage and motivate students with technology integrated inside the classroom teachers and students can both improve their learning and refine skills necessary for tomorrow. It goes without saying that all students can show positive achievement gains when paired with effective classroom instruction. Through professional development and follow -support, teachers can provide the valuable classroom instruction needed for students to succeed.


eLearning Industry: Retrieved from:

(n.d.). Retrieved from Molnar, A. (June 1997). Computers in Education: A Brief History. T.H.E. Journal.

TechnoKids Inc (2019): Retrieved from:

Reflection: Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students. ... Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun. Students are also able to collaborate with their own classmates through technological applications.
